Monday, July 4, 2011

Discovered Derry Daring Evel Knievel

When I look through eBay's vintage/character toys, there seems to be a lot of Evel Knievel.  In spite of there being a lot there, it seems to sell regularly and has value.  There are small, single figure blister packs selling for $30+   And, models going for $125+

I wasn't a fan of Knievel, I just remember him always on the news and out of the mouth of Howard Cosell.  As I looked at the toys today, figured I'd better mention Knievel.  I don't know why, in my mind I intertwine Knievel and James Cann.  Did James Cann ever play Knievel on tv or something?  Who knows but, today I was looking through Knievel and saw PINK.  I came across an item I'd never seen before, Derry Daring.  A female counter part to Knievel.  I don't recall is she was ever in a cartoon or how she came about, but this auction, from buyingstuffidontneed2, 100% (I don't know the seller, just discussing the old toy industry here).  9 hours, 8 bides and over $43. 

In the mid-70s, Ideal and other the toy companies started realizing they needed to get the girls a daredevil toy before someone squack they were sexist.  I agree but then, did we want to encourage girls to jump the Snake and break every bone or worse?  Another discussion.  She is blonde of course.  Blonde if fine, but if they wanted to make her stand out, why couldn't she be a brunette?

I went on further research and found a good site,   As you scroll down, you see the standard issue 70s white jump suit (Elvis? Donny Osmond?).  What I like is this site has a pic from an Ideal sales catalog.   Also see, look at 2011 comment HardyGirl.

So, glad to find out about a new character!!

Happy 4th

Just a quick, Happy Fourth of July, have a save holiday!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

From Bamm Bamm to Gaylord

Poking around today, saw a Flintstones Bamm Bamm doll.  $58+ with a couple of days left.  7 bidders, so there must be some interest.  It was made by the Ideal toy company.  I remember the name.  The company started in the early 1900's and was pretty stable until 1982 when they got passed around the corporate world like a rag doll.  I wanted to see what other tidbits I could find.

The first is, Pebbles doesn't seem to be worth as much.  I found this one on eCrater, for $15.  Good deal?  Not really based on eBay completed sales.  I think I can understand, little girls bought lots of Pebbles dolls but not as many Bamm Bamm.  Little boys probably didn't want either one.

I continue to search, trying to find any interesting tidbits on Ideal or this doll.  Nothing spectacular.  Many of my searches talked about Gaylord the basset dog, from the early 60's.  No, couldn't be, I started thinking.  I had this battery operated basset hound when I was about 5.  I took it to show and tell at kindergarten.  Something went really wrong, the dog pooped.  Even though I really liked it, it seemed to disappear after that showing.  Later, I realized, I think the batteries were leaking - eewww.   I never knew, till today, that his name was Gaylord.  There is an old commercial for the dog on YouTube  It was a pretty cool toy for the time.  A more recent video of Gaylord also appears   Somebody comments  that he got $500+ on eBay for a Gaylord.

No recorded info on bad battery dogs from 1962.  Not sure why mine went to pretend doggie heaven.   I had memories about this dog later in life.  When my child was 5, she got a battery operated Pluto.  So did about 3 other kids in the neighorhood.  To my knowledge, no one's Pluto pooped battery.

Bottom line today is, it was so fun to find out this dog's name!

**I have no relation to the seller of the Bamm Bamm on eBay or to the seller of the Pebbles on eCrater.  Nor do I know the YouTubers linked here.  This blog is just for fun.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

How to Sell 007

Interesting problem on eBay.  One seller has a 1965 James Bond 007 Attache Case Spy Kit.  This is, of course, from the Sean Connery era.  Far and above, the best of all James Bonds.  So, the first seller, fullcircletoys, has 4 days left and is already over $300.

So, why did tuttie3219 have basically the same kit with BIN price of $295 but it didn't sell?  
From what I can see, the only difference is tuttie's didn't have bullets.  This seller has 100% fb.   But now, it is relisted, better pic this time btw,  & a BIN of $695   I'll be curious to see how fullcircletoys bidding ends up.  Another one has a day & a half left, only at $34, but based on picture along & the description, it doesn't appear to be in as good a shape.

The kit was made by Multiple Toymakers, out of Bronx, NY, and apparently this attache case along with some other James Bond items were some of the better toys from this companyHere is a link to someone with another toy gun, PLAZER, more obscure, from Mutliple Toymakers - curious how much the PLAZER is worth.  I tried looking that up on eBay but only came up with an ugly gray woman's suit (gotta be polyester)

Here is some better info on the contents of the attache case

****I am not associated with any seller/author listed here.  This blog is just about looking for interesting, old toys.***

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Never heard the term "Hyper Rare".  But this guy's got a point, Rocky & Bullwinkle, original R&B, is a good find.  I thought this was cool, till I realized this guy has 4 separate auctions, one for each character.  I'd be a nervous wreck if I was bidding on these, I'd want the whole set.  He says it took 12 years to get all 4!  A little further research reveals there are actually 5 - Mr. Peabody is not part of these auctions.  Check out this image from the original packaging  Also, as of this writing the bids are around $227 - much less than the $675 someone paid about a year ago for Rocky or the $1500+ for Moonman

fyi - these are not my auctions, I do not know this person, I was merely searching for something old & cool

Hungerford Plastics Corporation Morrisville / Murray Hill, New Jersey