Monday, July 4, 2011

Discovered Derry Daring Evel Knievel

When I look through eBay's vintage/character toys, there seems to be a lot of Evel Knievel.  In spite of there being a lot there, it seems to sell regularly and has value.  There are small, single figure blister packs selling for $30+   And, models going for $125+

I wasn't a fan of Knievel, I just remember him always on the news and out of the mouth of Howard Cosell.  As I looked at the toys today, figured I'd better mention Knievel.  I don't know why, in my mind I intertwine Knievel and James Cann.  Did James Cann ever play Knievel on tv or something?  Who knows but, today I was looking through Knievel and saw PINK.  I came across an item I'd never seen before, Derry Daring.  A female counter part to Knievel.  I don't recall is she was ever in a cartoon or how she came about, but this auction, from buyingstuffidontneed2, 100% (I don't know the seller, just discussing the old toy industry here).  9 hours, 8 bides and over $43. 

In the mid-70s, Ideal and other the toy companies started realizing they needed to get the girls a daredevil toy before someone squack they were sexist.  I agree but then, did we want to encourage girls to jump the Snake and break every bone or worse?  Another discussion.  She is blonde of course.  Blonde if fine, but if they wanted to make her stand out, why couldn't she be a brunette?

I went on further research and found a good site,   As you scroll down, you see the standard issue 70s white jump suit (Elvis? Donny Osmond?).  What I like is this site has a pic from an Ideal sales catalog.   Also see, look at 2011 comment HardyGirl.

So, glad to find out about a new character!!

Happy 4th

Just a quick, Happy Fourth of July, have a save holiday!